10 steps to become a smart city using open data
How can you create a cost-effective, data-driven smart city?
Download our new ebook and learn how harnessing open data can help municipalities create smarter communities:
- what is a smart city, how does it benefit municipalities and what holds back success?
- how can you cost-effectively build a smart city?
- best practice recommendations from industry experts: discover the 10 steps to becoming a smart city using open data
- examples of use case successes from our customers: Morrisville, Cary, Kingston, Jersey City, Southern Grampians, Western Parkland and Bristol.

The Smart City concept can be daunting to many municipalities, particularly smaller cities and regional towns who might worry they won’t have the budget or IT knowledge to make it a success. That’s why it is critical to take a strategic approach - start by looking at what your objectives are and how you can deliver the experience that residents and businesses want. Then you can focus on targeted use cases that meet their needs while increasing your internal efficiency at the same time. Share and learn from other towns and cities, and adapt their successes to your particular requirements. Once you have identified the most relevant smart city projects then you can focus on the infrastructure you need. The good news is that smart city technologies are becoming more affordable, meaning projects can deliver rapid return on investment, while delighting and engaging your residents and other stakeholders.

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