[WEBINAR] Product Talk: Using AI to enhance the data marketplace search experience

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Opendatasoft uses cookies on its website to measure the audience and integrate services to improve its interactivity.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a generally small piece of data identified by a name that may be sent to your browser by a website you are visiting. Your web browser will store it for a certain period of time, and will send it back to the web server each time you visit again. Cookies have many uses: they can be used to remember your customer log-in information for an online store, the current contents of your shopping cart, as an identifier for tracking your browsing for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.

Several types of cookies exist:

  • “Necessary” internal cookies allow information to be saved between two visits to the same website by the same device. They can save a shopping cart, log-in information, or interface preferences. They do not require the user’s consent.
  • “Statistical” cookies make it possible to track an Internet user’s actions on a website. When statistics are anonymized (meaning they cannot be traced back to a person), user consent is not required.
  • “Internal” or “first-party” cookies are stored by the website visited. They can be stored in addition to the necessary cookies, and can be used to collect personal data, track user behavior, and for advertising purposes.
  • “Third-party” cookies are cookies stored by (or for) a Website B (often an advertising agency) on Website A. This allows Website B to see what pages the user visited on Website A, and collect information about the user.

What cookies are used on the website


Analytics and stats
Service provider’s name Cookie name(s) Lifetime Purposes
Matomo _pk_ses 1 day Analyze the statistics of visits
Matomo MATOMO_SESSID 15 days Analyze the statistics of visits
Matomo _pk_id 360 days Analyze the statistics of visits
Google Analytics 4 _ga, _gac_, google-analytics_TVOu___ga, google-analytics_v4_npeT___z_ga_audiences, google-analytics_v4_npeT__counter, google-analytics_v4_npeT__engagementPaused, google-analytics_v4_npeT__engagementStart, google-analytics_v4_npeT__ga4, google-analytics_v4_npeT__ga4sid, google-analytics_v4_npeT__let, google-analytics_v4_npeT__session_counter 2 years Analyze the statistics of visits
Google Analytics 4 _gid 1 day Analyze the statistics of visits
Google Analytics 4 ar_debug 3 months Analyze the statistics of visits



User experience
Service provider’s name Cookie name(s) Lifetime Purposes
Hubspot __hssrc, hubspotapi Session Customer relationship management
Hubspot __cf_bm, __hssc 1 day Customer relationship management
Hubspot hs_login_email, hubspotapi-csrf, hubspotapi-prefs 1 year Customer relationship management
Hubspot hubspotutk, __hstc, hs_c2l 6 months Customer relationship management
Youtube YSC Session To remember your preferences about the video playback
Youtube PREF 6 months To remember your preferences about the video playback
Youtube VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA 2 years To remember your preferences about the video playback
Axeptio axeptio_all_vendors, axeptio_authorized_vendors, axeptio_cookies 1 year To remember your cookies consent choices



Personalized content
Service provider’s name Cookie name(s) Lifetime Purposes
Google Ads DSID, IDE 14 days To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Google Ads _gcl_au 3 months To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Google Ads __Secure-3PSIDCC, __Secure-1PSIDCC, __Secure-1PSIDTS, __Secure-3PSIDTS, SIDCC 1 year To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Google Ads SAPISID, __Secure-3PSID, __Secure-1PSID, __Secure-3PAPISID, __Secure-1PAPISID, HSID, APISID 2 years Used by Google Ads for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor’s interests in order to show relevant & personalised Google advertising
Linkedin AMCVS_, lang, s_cc, s_plt, s_pltp, s_ppv, s_sq Session To identify visitors from Linkedin
Linkedin UserMatchHistory, lidc, lms_ads, lms_analytics 1 day To identify visitors from Linkedin
Linkedin AnalyticsSyncHistory 29 days To identify visitors from Linkedin
Linkedin li_sugr, liap, _guid 3 months To identify visitors from Linkedin
Linkedin AMCV_, gpv_pn, s_ips, li_gc, li_mc, s_tp, s_tslv 6 months To identify visitors from Linkedin
Linkedin bcookie 1 year To identify visitors from Linkedin
Twitter _twitter_sess Session To identify visitors from Twitter and to measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Twitter att 1 day To identify visitors from Twitter and to measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Twitter auth_token, guest_id, kdt, twid 1 year To identify visitors from Twitter and to measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Twitter muc_ads 2 years To identify visitors from Twitter and to measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta xs, usidap Session To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta cppo 1 day To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta locale 7 days To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta wd 8 days To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta dpr 14 days To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta fr, _fbp 3 months To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta i_user, c_user 1 year To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Meta datr, sb 2 years To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Microsoft Advertising _uetsid 1 day To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Microsoft Advertising MUID, _uetvid, aam_uuid 1 month To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns
Microsoft Advertising _clck 1 year To measure the effectiveness of sponsored campaigns


Your choices regarding cookies

You can configure your choices via our cookie management center.

In general, you can also change your browser settings. For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu (options or preferences) of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your preferences in terms of cookies.

For Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11
For Safari: https://support.apple.com/fr-fr/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
For Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr
For Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/protection-renforcee-contre-pistage-firefox-ordinateur?redirectlocale=fr&redirectslug=activer-desactiver-cookies-preferences
For Opera: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/#cookies

Some browsers finally offer the “Do Not Track” option that You can check to oppose the deposit of cookies on your terminal.