[REPLAY] Product Talk: Using AI to enhance the data marketplace search experience

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Data lineage & analytics

Our data portal solution provides a built-in data lineage tool, helping you better understand usage through in-depth analytical reporting features while improving data quality.

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Understand your data’s journey

Accessible directly from the back-office of your data portal, Opendatasoft’s data lineage functionality provides detailed mapping of the path your data takes. It models the dataset journey from its creation to final destination, providing information on its origin and its different reuses, both internally on your data portal and externally outside your organization.

Observe dependencies between fields

Get an instant understanding of the dependencies between your portal’s data assets and uncover any errors with our field-level view. This granular analysis precisely reveals the relationships between the portal’s data assets and also provides details on any errors encountered, such as deletions or datasets removed from view. This makes it easy to spot and fix potential issues, thus improving the overall quality of the portal.

Automatically map your data’s lifecycle

Data origin and status (Valid, invalid data)

Relationship between datasets (Federation, join)

Reuse of data (Pages, datasets, maps, geographic processors)

Data modification and processing

Relationships between data assets and at field level (use, federation, join)

Errors between data assets and at field level (unpublishing, deletion)

Visualize the mesh or network generated by the use of your data


The lineage functionality is a useful step forward for managing our data portal. It allows us to track performance more easily thanks to better analysis of the links which exist between different datasets, or between datasets and pages. Our portal is growing and is administered by multiple people. This functionality is therefore essential for us to master the structure of the links between the different elements of our portal.

Nicolas Laroche
Project Manager, OFGL (Observatoire des finances et de la gestion publique locales)

Manage the use of your data

data lineage

Opendatasoft’s unique data lineage functionality provides an interactive dashboard that delivers a complete view of data usage within the back office of your data portal. The dashboard automatically aggregates key information to instantly analyze and manage the dynamics of your portal.

Track key performance indicators

Understand the needs of data consumers

Measure the number of reuses and identify the data formats your audiences prefer.

Maintain your data

Track the status of relationships and identify both high-value datasets and those requiring modification or deletion.

Identify uses

Easily discover the most or least used datasets and adapt your strategy.

Interact in the Opendatasoft ecosystem

Identify synergies with the rest of the Opendatasoft community.

The data lineage feature significantly improves the tracking and management of our internal data portal. Intuitive and easy to use, it allows us to quickly identify changes in datasets and their repercussions, thus saving us precious time. We are very satisfied with this new feature in the platform and are already looking forward to its future developments!

Christelle Romana
Project Manager, AMOA, ICF Habitat - Groupe SNCF
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Accelerate data democratization

Applying traceability to your data usage provides you with deep, unique information and acts as a valuable decision-making tool. It allows you to better manage your projects to achieve your data sharing goals.

Demonstrate the value of your data portal

Tracking data usage and data portal performance indicators within your organization or in open data ecosystems helps you demonstrate the impact and ROI of your data sharing programs and experiences.

Improve the maintenance of your data portal

Automated data flow documentation reduces workloads and increases data project productivity through real-time mapping of data transformations from source to reuse.

Enforce your data sharing strategy

Data lineage allows you to build your open data roadmap with confidence, based on insights around how your data is being used. It also enables you to take advantage of opportunities within the Opendatasoft ecosystem through our dynamic community.

From a data publisher perspective, one of the problems experienced with open data is understanding what data users are doing with the data. Whilst Opendatasoft facilitates the submission of reuses already, this new data lineage feature provides additional insight into the maps and charts that users have built whilst maintaining user anonymity, that we would not have known about. This adds to the value of open data.

Yiu-Shing Pang
Open Data Manager, UK Power Networks
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UK Power Networks logo

Access your portal’s essential metrics

A reporting tool to measure the use of your portal

Analyze the usage of your portal and the profile of its users using performance monitoring tools and statistical dashboards accessible from the solution’s back office. Get a more in-depth view of your audience and their interactions with your portal.


Overview of usage statistics via multi-indicator dashboards


Precise view of usage and user statistics by dataset with visualizations and filters


Measurement the popularity of your datasets: API calls, reuse and downloads

API analytics

Count and map API calls by user, by dataset and by catalog

User activity

Breakdown of user activity to effectively plan maintenance or communication on the portal

Native integration with your analytics tools

Connect your own audience analysis tools to the solution, with guaranteed compliance with regulations around cookies and the protection of personal data (Google Analytics, Matomo, SmartTag & XiTi by AT Internet)

Learn more about data lineage & analytics
Analyze your data usage with Opendatasoft's new data lineage feature Product
Analyze your data usage with Opendatasoft's new data lineage feature

Opendatasoft has launched its unique, innovative data lineage feature. Focused on usage, it allows organizations to better understand how their data is used internally and externally, across data ecosystems, while improving the ease and efficiency of data portal management.

Understanding and accelerating data usage with data lineage Data intelligence & reporting
Understanding and accelerating data usage with data lineage

Data portals need to demonstrate their impact and meet user needs by providing the right data assets to generate reuse. We explore how our customers are using the Opendatasoft data lineage feature to analyze portal performance and continually improve the experience they provide.

Opendatasoft's data lineage feature now enriched to enhance data usage analysis Product
Opendatasoft's data lineage feature now enriched to enhance data usage analysis

Discover how updated data lineage provides a detailed understanding of the relationships and dependencies between objects in your portal, thanks to the new "field" level view.

Ready to Dive In?

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