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Cambridge Local First Starts Sharing Data to Support Local Businesses

Cambridge Local First (CLF), a non-profit network of 400+ local and independent businesses in Cambridge (MA), has partnered with Opendatasoft to support the local economy in the time of coronavirus.

Sales Director - North America, Opendatasoft
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[Cambridge (MA), April 23] Cambridge Local First (CLF), a non-profit network of 400+ local and independent businesses in Cambridge (MA), has partnered with Opendatasoft to support the local economy in the time of coronavirus.

The initiative is a first of its kind in the Greater Boston area and offers a digital tool to help local companies connect with their communities. The platform aims to support businesses by informing the public on where and how to support local businesses, their employees, and owners in Cambridge, many of whom are neighbors. Residents can find information such as which retail locations are still open and which local businesses provide delivery, take out, online shopping options, and fundraising opportunities.

CLF’s mission is to support, promote, and celebrate a local economy community. The digital tool powered by Opendatasoft, enables CLF to continue supporting small enterprises as well as to keep the local economy alive during these difficult times.

“Residents may assume that most local shops, restaurants or cafes have entirely closed down. In reality, our platform shows that about two-thirds (67%) of all businesses offer online sales service, and that almost all restaurants (96%) offer a take-out option. By sharing this information, we hope to encourage residents to support their local businesses and help minimize the impact of the crisis on our local economy,” shares Theodora Skeadas, CLF’s Executive Director.

Opendatasoft also welcomes this project as an opportunity to explore how it could help nonprofits and local economies weather the COVID-19 storm. Franck Carassus, CEO for North America and based at Opendatasoft’s Boston office, commented: “My colleagues and I have seen the power of sharing data, how this helps governments and companies work together to address shared problems. We are excited to support Cambridge Local First’s work in building our local community and connecting all of us together during this pandemic. We look forward to seeing how this initiative with CLF develops and to work with other regions’ nonprofits and business associations.”


About Cambridge Local First:

Founded in 2005, Cambridge Local First (CLF) is a non-profit network of 400+ local and independent businesses here in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Our mission is to support, promote, and celebrate a “local economy community” by educating the public and government about the significant environmental, economic, and cultural benefits of a strong local economy.


About Opendatasoft: 

At Opendatasoft, we help you make your data bright! Opendatasoft is the leading solution helping private companies and governments share and reuse data. With the Opendatasoft platform, organizing, sharing, and visualizing all types of data has never been easier. Opendatasoft empowers professionals to innovate and contribute to their organization’s growth. Founded in 2011, Opendatasoft is trusted by over 280 clients across the world, in North America, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. We work with numerous cities and regions, including the cities of Paris, Bristol, Eindhoven, and Vancouver, local and national government agencies, and large companies including Schneider Electric, Kering, Enedis, Saint-Gobain, SNCF, Euler Hermes, SFR, Total and Indigo Group. It’s time to make your data bright! For more information, follow Opendatasoft on Twitter (@Opendatasoft).

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