[REPLAY] Product Talk: Using AI to enhance the data marketplace search experience

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Lauréline Saux
14 December 2023
Opendatasoft is launching a new AI-based feature: semantic search. This is based on a vector model for easier, enriched discovery of an organization's data assets on a data portal. To find out more, we interviewed Emmanuel Daubricourt, VP Product at Opendatasoft.
Franck Carassus
23 October 2017
Opendatasoft launches Open Data America, a first-of-its-kind initiative to release data portals for over 500 cities across the United States.
Lauréline Saux
16 March 2017
This article provides an introduction to open government and why it's important. It also highlights some best practices for opening up government data so that your project succeeds and provides value to both government and citizens.
Adam Reiser
13 November 2016
At Opendatasoft, we decided to go ahead and, in the spirit of what we do best, build a map using open data of the United States Presidential and Congressional Election results.
Lauréline Saux
06 July 2016
scanR is a web application developed by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Its purpose is to allow for the identification of French actors involved in a research and innovation project. This includes public organizations such as research units and public institutions, along with structures in the private sector. Among its many possible uses, it can help researchers identify potential partners in research projects.
Adam Reiser
17 May 2016
I was invited to attend the Round Table on Data Quality in Open Data held at the White House in Washington, D.C. on April 27th, 2016. The round table was the second in a series of four meetings around the open data initiative sponsored by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the Center for Open Data Enterprise. This round table was intended to bring together experts to advise the White House Office of Science and Technology on how best to address data quality.
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